Why Calvient Is Tackling Referral Management

Jonathan Minson

January 24, 2024

For many organizations, referrals are not just a "nice-to-have." They are the lifeblood of the organization. So why do referral processes exist as a tangled web of faxes, stacks of paper, sticky notes, emails, phone calls, and spreadsheets? This reality isn't just an inconvenience, it is a major burden on practice efficiency. At Calvient, we recognize the significance of this process and are dedicated to transforming it into a streamlined, effective system.

Unraveling the Complexity

Referral processes, traditionally, are mired in complexities involving manual entries, faxes, and phone calls. This outdated approach not only consumes excessive time and resources but also leaves ample room for errors. In an era where technology has simplified numerous aspects of healthcare, referral management often remains archaic, leading to disjointed communication and data mismanagement.

Despite the technological advancements in the healthcare industry, many organizations in the US still rely on faxed referrals due to a combination of regulatory compliance, entrenched practices, and interoperability challenges. Fax machines are perceived as a secure method to comply with HIPAA regulations, ensuring patient data is transmitted without the risks associated with email or other digital platforms that might be more susceptible to breaches. Additionally, the healthcare system is steeped in traditional practices, and the transition to digital solutions is often slow due to the need for extensive training and system upgrades. Moreover, the lack of universal standards for electronic health record (EHR) systems results in interoperability issues; different systems often do not communicate effectively with each other. Faxed referrals, despite their inefficiency, provide a universally accepted, albeit outdated, solution that bridges these gaps between varying systems and practices across healthcare providers.

Why Providers Can't Afford a Broken Referral Process

Referrals are not just an add-on; they are essential for patient inflow and the continuity of care. A broken referral process can have dire consequences:

  1. Delayed Patient Care: Inefficiencies in referrals can lead to prolonged waiting times for patients, adversely affecting their health outcomes.
  2. Operational Inefficiencies: A cumbersome referral process adds to the already high administrative burden on healthcare providers, diverting attention from patient care.
  3. Communication Gaps: Essential information can fall through the cracks in a disjointed referral system, leading to miscommunication and potential errors in patient care.
  4. Financial Implications: Inefficient referral management can result in referral leakage, where patients are inadvertently directed outside the provider’s network, impacting the financial health of the practice.

What Calvient Is Doing About It

Calvient is actively addressing these challenges with our innovative referral management solution. Our approach involves:

  • Automation and Integration: Streamlining the referral process by automating the intake and categorization of referrals, reducing manual work and potential for error.
  • Enhanced Communication Channels: Facilitating better communication between all parties involved - primary care providers, specialists, and patients.
  • Data Management and Analytics: Providing a secure and efficient way to manage patient data and offering analytics for insights into referral patterns and efficiency.
  • User-Centric Design: Ensuring our system is intuitive and easy to use, reducing the learning curve for healthcare providers.

Our solution is not just a tool; it's a commitment to enhancing healthcare delivery by simplifying one of its most critical processes. Calvient’s Referral Management system is a testament to our dedication to improving healthcare operations, ensuring that every referral is handled with the efficiency and care it deserves.